Ileach Update 28th September 2021

Dr Jo Norwood writes - 

‘Flu vaccine clinics 

It’s almost ‘flu season again, and our team have been working hard behind the scenes to deliver our annual ‘flu vaccination clinics which we hope will take place in early October. 

We have had some added logistical complications in arranging clinics this year in order to comply with social distancing requirements, but as soon as these clinics are ready for booking we will be in touch with those eligible. Please do not contact the surgeries yet to request appointments - rest assured we are working on it and as soon as we have vaccine availability confirmed and clinics set up we will be in touch. 


Covid Vaccination Boosters (Third Dose of Vaccine) 

We are also working on the first round of Covid-19 vaccine boosters (third dose) for those in the cohort of patients who received their second vaccine in March/April - again once we have confirmation of vaccine supply and availability we will be in touch with those on the list for this. We hope that the majority of patients who are aged 75 years and over will be offered this third dose by mid-October. 


Respiratory symptoms in children under 12 years of age 

From Monday 20th September, we will change the way that we provide medical care for children under 12 years of age who present with respiratory symptoms – these symptoms include cough, sore throat, earache, wheeze, shortness of breath, cold symptoms and/or fever. Where previously patients contacting the surgeries about such children were advised to call NHS24 on 111, these children will now be triaged and treated via the GP practices. This change is in line with advice from the Scottish Government predicting increased numbers of children presenting with respiratory illness this year, and is designed to reduce pressure on hospitals and Covid Assessment Centres.  

Should your child develop any of the above symptoms, excellent advice on assessing and managing your child is available at  Should you feel they require medical attention, please contact your GP practice during normal working hours or NHS24 in the evenings, overnight and at weekends. You will be given a telephone appointment for initial triage by a GP, and then should your child need to be seen in person, this will be arranged with you.  

These appointments will be at the end of the GP’s clinic when the waiting room is quiet to avoid contact with other patients. Only one parent/carer should accompany the child to the surgery.  Children over the age of 5 are required to wear a fluid resistant surgical mask, unless medically exempt. Those attending Bowmore Medical Practice should, where possible, wait in their vehicle and contact the practice, by telephone, on their arrival. This is to help safeguard vulnerable patients who may be attending for other appointments out with the control of the practice.  

The clinic rooms will be cleaned after each appointment, along with any touch surfaces and chairs used in the waiting room, in line with current guidance from Public Health.  

If any adults in the household have any of the 3 cardinal symptoms of Covid-19 (cough, fever, loss of sense of taste and smell) or has had a positive test for Covid-19, the child will be assessed in the Covid Assessment Centre in Bowmore.  

If, following assessment by telephone or in person, the GP feels that the child requires PCR testing for Covid-19, this will be arranged by contacting the testing line on 01496 305308. We are not currently able to carry out Covid-19 PCR tests in the practices.  

We hope that this will provide a more straightforward assessment process for children under 12 years of age in whom the risk of Covid-19 infection and transmission is low.  Anybody aged 12 years or over who develops respiratory symptoms or a fever should continue to get advice by visiting or contacting NHS24 on 111. 


Ileach Update 9th October 2021


Ileach Update 28th August 2021