If a GP has referred you to a hospital the referral letter will be typed and sent within 1 week. If you do not receive an appointment within an acceptable time frame please let us know. Please note that the Practice does not receive notification of patient’s hospital appointments. If you are unable to attend your hospital appointment please contact the hospital directly to reschedule it using the number provided on the letter.
Further information on national standards and waiting times can be found here and at
You can also self-refer to the following services, please ask at reception for the details:
· Aquacare
· Dietician
· Physiotherapy
· Podiatry
Hospital Letters
If you have attended an outpatient clinic or been admitted to hospital, your hospital doctor will write to the Practice. This letter will contain details of any recommended treatment discussed at your appointment e.g. the addition of new medication. Please allow up to 4 weeks for the letter to be received by the Practice. If a GP wishes to discuss your hospital letter with you the receptionist will contact you to arrange an appointment. Sometimes the hospital consultants copy patients in to the letters sent to GPs - in this case the letter should be written in understandable language without jargon. If you don’t understand anything contained in the letter, in the first instance please contact the consultant’s secretary - the number will be on the letter.